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Three Key Tips to Keep Your Kids Engaged in Reading and Writing Over the Summer

Monday, April 22, 2024 by Demitra Bryant | Tips

Three Key Tips to Keep Your Kids Engaged in Reading and Writing Over the Summer

Summer break is a wonderful time for relaxation and fun, but it's also a crucial period to maintain and even enhance your child's literacy skills. A break from the regular school routine doesn't have to mean a break from learning. Here are three engaging tips to keep your young scholars excited about reading and writing, even while they're on vacation!

1. Create a Summer Reading Journey

Why this tip?
Summer offers a unique opportunity for children to read for pleasure, away from the pressures of school assignments. Encouraging reading during the summer helps maintain reading skills, improves vocabulary, and helps develop empathy and a broader worldview.


  • Book Passport: Create a “book passport” for your child where they receive a stamp for each book completed. You can include different genres and authors to diversify their reading experience.
  • Reading Challenges: Set up weekly or monthly reading challenges that can be fun and attainable. For example, read a book with a blue cover, a book about animals, or a book set in another country.

2. Engage in Storytelling Projects

Why this tip?
Writing isn't just about putting pen to paper; it's about expressing ideas, crafting stories, and communicating thoughts. Summer projects can help children find their own voice and improve their writing skills in a creative and engaging way.


  • Create a Vacation Journal: Encourage your child to keep a journal during their summer travels or a daily diary. This can include descriptions of places they visit, new foods they try, or interesting people they meet.
  • Write Postcards: If they're traveling, have them send postcards to friends and family. If they're staying home, they can create fictional postcards from exotic locations using their imagination.

3. Incorporate Technology in Learning

Why this tip?
Leveraging technology can make learning interactive and exciting. It also prepares children for the digital world by improving their digital literacy.


  • Educational Apps: There are numerous apps available that focus on literacy and creativity. Apps like Epic! provide access to thousands of books, while others like Storybird allow kids to create their own stories with beautiful illustrations.
  • Interactive Writing Blogs: Encourage older children to start a blog or a digital scrapbook where they can document their summer activities, write reviews of books they've read, or share their own short stories.

Summer doesn't have to mean a pause in learning. By integrating these tips into your summer plan, you're not only helping your child stay connected to reading and writing, but you're also setting them up for a seamless transition back to school. These activities will keep their minds engaged, encourage creativity, and make learning a fun part of their summer adventure!

Remember, the key to a successful summer learning plan is flexibility and fun—mix and match activities to suit your child's interests and plans! Enjoy the summer of learning!


How to Help Your Child Overcome Reading and Writing Challenges

Monday, January 8, 2024 by Demitra Bryant | Tips

As report cards roll out and academic assessments come to light, many parents are coming face-to-face with an alarming reality: their children are struggling in school, particularly in reading and writing. This struggle is not just about grades; it's about foundational skills that are crucial for academic success and beyond.

The Rising Tide of Challenges

In recent years, there has been a noticeable decline in reading and writing proficiency among students. Teachers, burdened with large class sizes and diverse learning needs, often find it challenging to provide individualized attention. This, coupled with the rapid changes in education due to technology and other factors, leaves many students, especially those in elementary and middle school, at risk of falling behind.

The Core of the Problem

Reading and writing are not just subjects in school; they are the keys to understanding virtually all other areas of education. When a child struggles with these basic skills, their entire academic journey can become an uphill battle. From failing grades to declining district assessments, the impact is significant and far-reaching.

Identifying the Signs

As a parent, you might notice your child avoiding reading and writing tasks, showing frustration with schoolwork, or demonstrating a lack of confidence in their abilities. These signs are often indicators of underlying challenges that need to be addressed.

The Role of Parents

While teachers play a vital role in a child's education, parents are equally crucial in supporting their learning journey. Encouragement, understanding, and the right support at home can make a significant difference.

How to Help

  1. Create a Reading-Friendly Environment: Foster a love for reading by having a variety of books available at home. Designate a cozy reading corner to make reading an enjoyable experience.

  2. Encourage Writing: Encourage your child to keep a journal or write stories. This not only improves writing skills but also helps in expressing thoughts and emotions.

  3. Set Aside Regular Study Time: Establish a routine that includes dedicated time for reading and writing activities.

  4. Use Technology Wisely: Educational apps and online resources can be great tools to enhance reading and writing skills in a fun and interactive way.

  5. Read Together: For younger children, reading together can improve reading skills and build a stronger parent-child bond.

  6. Seek Professional Help: If your child continues to struggle, consider seeking help from a tutoring service that specializes in reading and writing.

Turning the Tide with Expert Support

As a certified teacher and professional tutor with years (26) of experience in helping students improve their reading and writing skills, I understand the unique challenges each child faces. My approach involves personalized strategies that cater to individual learning styles and needs. Whether it's through one-on-one tutoring sessions, group workshops, or specialized programs, the focus is on building confidence, skill, and a love for learning.

Success Stories

Many students who have come through our doors with challenges in reading and writing have seen remarkable improvements. From significant grade improvements to newfound confidence in their abilities, the transformation is both inspiring and a testament to what targeted support can achieve.

The Next Steps

If your child is struggling with reading and writing, the time to act is now. Early intervention can make a significant difference in their academic journey. Consider the following steps:

  1. Assess the Situation: Understand the extent of your child's challenges.
  2. Talk to Their Teacher: Gain insights into their performance at school.
  3. Explore Tutoring Options: Find a tutoring service that aligns with your child's needs.
  4. Set Goals: Work with your child and their tutor to set achievable goals.
  5. Stay Involved: Regularly check in on your child's progress and maintain open communication with their tutor.


The journey to overcoming reading and writing challenges is not a quick fix but a gradual process of improvement and confidence-building. By acknowledging the problem, understanding the role you play as a parent, and seeking the right help, you can turn the tide for your child. Remember, every child has the potential to succeed, and with the right support, they will.

Encouraging Your Child to Dive into the World Books

Sunday, November 5, 2023 by Demitra Bryant | Tips

We've all been there - the frustration of trying to get our kids to put down the gadgets and pick up a good old-fashioned book. In a digital age, it can sometimes feel like an uphill battle to engage children with the written word. But don't lose hope! Here are some tried and tested tips to help elementary, middle, and high school students fall in love with reading.

Choose the Right Books  

Start by finding books that match your child's interests. If they're into dinosaurs, there's a book for that. Space? Fantasy? Mystery? The choices are endless. Remember, it's essential to choose age-appropriate material. Graphic novels and comic books can also be a great entry point, especially for reluctant readers.

Create a Cozy Reading Nook 

Make a dedicated space for reading. It could be a corner of their room, a hammock in the garden, or even a tent made of blankets in the living room. Fill it with soft cushions, a reading lamp, and, of course, books. This special place can make reading feel like an adventure!

Set a Reading Time 

Establish a daily reading routine. It could be just before bedtime, after school, or during a lazy weekend afternoon. The consistency will help make reading a regular part of their life.

Lead by Example 

Kids often emulate their parents. If they see you reading and enjoying a book, they'll be more inclined to do the same. Discuss what you're reading with them, share your favorite parts, and ask about their books in return.

Join a Book Club  

Many libraries and schools offer book clubs for kids. It's a fantastic way for them to discuss what they've read with peers, make new friends, and discover new genres.

Incorporate Technology  

If your child is tech-savvy, consider getting them an e-reader or audiobooks. While it's different from traditional reading, it's still a valuable way to engage with stories and improve comprehension.

Challenge and Reward  

Set up a reading challenge! For every book they finish, they get a point. Accumulate enough points, and they get a reward - maybe a new book, a trip to their favorite ice cream shop, or an extra hour of screen time.

Visit Libraries and Bookstores  

Make it a family outing. Let your child explore, choose their books, and even attend story hours or author events. The more they engage with the world of books, the more they'll want to be a part of it.

Discuss What They're Reading  

After your child finishes a book, talk about it. Ask them about their favorite characters, the plot, and how it made them feel. It not only improves their comprehension but also makes them excited to share their reading experiences.

Stay Patient and Positive  

Lastly, remember that every child is different. What works for one might not work for another. Celebrate small victories and continue to encourage them without applying too much pressure.

In conclusion, while it might seem challenging to pull kids away from screens and into books, it's entirely possible with a bit of creativity and persistence. Remember, the goal is to cultivate a love for reading that will benefit them for a lifetime. So, dear parents, armed with these tips, let's embark on this exciting journey of discovering the magic of books with our kids!

Happy reading! 📚