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Three Key Tips to Keep Your Kids Engaged in Reading and Writing Over the Summer

Monday, April 22, 2024 by Demitra Bryant | Tips

Three Key Tips to Keep Your Kids Engaged in Reading and Writing Over the Summer

Summer break is a wonderful time for relaxation and fun, but it's also a crucial period to maintain and even enhance your child's literacy skills. A break from the regular school routine doesn't have to mean a break from learning. Here are three engaging tips to keep your young scholars excited about reading and writing, even while they're on vacation!

1. Create a Summer Reading Journey

Why this tip?
Summer offers a unique opportunity for children to read for pleasure, away from the pressures of school assignments. Encouraging reading during the summer helps maintain reading skills, improves vocabulary, and helps develop empathy and a broader worldview.


  • Book Passport: Create a “book passport” for your child where they receive a stamp for each book completed. You can include different genres and authors to diversify their reading experience.
  • Reading Challenges: Set up weekly or monthly reading challenges that can be fun and attainable. For example, read a book with a blue cover, a book about animals, or a book set in another country.

2. Engage in Storytelling Projects

Why this tip?
Writing isn't just about putting pen to paper; it's about expressing ideas, crafting stories, and communicating thoughts. Summer projects can help children find their own voice and improve their writing skills in a creative and engaging way.


  • Create a Vacation Journal: Encourage your child to keep a journal during their summer travels or a daily diary. This can include descriptions of places they visit, new foods they try, or interesting people they meet.
  • Write Postcards: If they're traveling, have them send postcards to friends and family. If they're staying home, they can create fictional postcards from exotic locations using their imagination.

3. Incorporate Technology in Learning

Why this tip?
Leveraging technology can make learning interactive and exciting. It also prepares children for the digital world by improving their digital literacy.


  • Educational Apps: There are numerous apps available that focus on literacy and creativity. Apps like Epic! provide access to thousands of books, while others like Storybird allow kids to create their own stories with beautiful illustrations.
  • Interactive Writing Blogs: Encourage older children to start a blog or a digital scrapbook where they can document their summer activities, write reviews of books they've read, or share their own short stories.

Summer doesn't have to mean a pause in learning. By integrating these tips into your summer plan, you're not only helping your child stay connected to reading and writing, but you're also setting them up for a seamless transition back to school. These activities will keep their minds engaged, encourage creativity, and make learning a fun part of their summer adventure!

Remember, the key to a successful summer learning plan is flexibility and fun—mix and match activities to suit your child's interests and plans! Enjoy the summer of learning!


Experiencing the Solar Eclipse: A Family Adventure in Learning

Monday, April 8, 2024 by Demitra Bryant | Uncategorized

Experiencing the Solar Eclipse: A Family Adventure in Learning

As the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, casting its shadow and briefly turning day into night, we're given a front-row seat to one of nature's most awe-inspiring spectacles: a solar eclipse. This celestial event is not just a rare opportunity to witness the wonders of the cosmos but also a perfect moment for families to explore, learn, and bond over a range of educational activities. From art and science to math and storytelling, a solar eclipse opens up a universe of learning opportunities for elementary and middle school students. Here are six family-friendly activities to make the most of this extraordinary event.

Eclipse Diary: Keeping an Eclipse Memory

Encourage your children to maintain an eclipse diary, documenting their thoughts, feelings, and observations before, during, and after the eclipse. This activity is not only a fantastic way to practice expressive writing but also helps in sharpening observation and reflection skills. They can jot down what they see, how the environment changes, and anything else that captures their imagination during this celestial phenomenon.

Vocabulary List: Building an Eclipse Lexicon

Create a list of eclipse-related vocabulary words like "corona," "umbra," and "penumbra." Challenge your kids to find the definitions and use them in sentences. This enriches their vocabulary and deepens their understanding of the eclipse, blending science with language arts in a fun, engaging way.

 Eclipse Art Gallery: A Canvas Under the Cosmos

Art can be a powerful medium for children to express their feelings and thoughts about the eclipse. Set up a mini-art studio where they can draw, paint, or use digital tools to create artworks inspired by the eclipse. This not only fosters creativity but also allows children to visually communicate their experience of the eclipse, making science an artful adventure.

Eclipse Shadow Measurement: Math Meets Nature

Use the eclipse's shadows to dive into a practical math lesson. By measuring the length of shadows cast by objects (like a stick in the ground) during the eclipse, families can explore basic geometry and trigonometry in a hands-on way. This activity demonstrates the relevance of math in understanding natural phenomena and encourages kids to see math in the world around them.

Eclipse Time-Lapse Video: Capturing Time

With a smartphone or camera, families can create a time-lapse video of the eclipse's progress. This not only captures the event in a dynamic way but also integrates technology and art, teaching children about patience, observation, and the beauty of nature's pace. It's a wonderful way to hold onto the memory of the eclipse and share the experience with others.

Budgeting for Eclipse Viewing: Practical Math in Action

Planning a future trip to view another eclipse can be an exciting family project that incorporates budgeting and planning skills. Research travel costs, accommodations, and necessary viewing equipment. This activity not only excites anticipation for another astronomical event but also teaches children valuable lessons in budgeting, saving, and planning—all crucial life skills.

Beyond the Shadow: Learning and Connection

A solar eclipse is more than just a rare astronomical event; it's a gateway to curiosity, learning, and family bonding. By engaging in these activities, children can explore various subjects, from science and math to art and writing, all while experiencing the magic of the cosmos together with their families. These activities not only educate but also inspire, creating lasting memories and fostering a lifelong love for learning and exploration.

As we look forward to witnessing the dance of celestial bodies, let's use this moment to ignite the spark of curiosity in our children, encouraging them to explore, question, and learn. The solar eclipse is a reminder of the wonders that lie just beyond our grasp, inviting us to reach out and discover them together. So, grab your eclipse glasses, gather your loved ones, and get ready for an educational adventure that's truly out of this world!

Enjoy the day!

Our Footprints: More Than Just Marks in the Sand!

Monday, March 25, 2024 by Demitra Bryant | Ethical Footprints

Our Footprints: More Than Just Marks in the Sand!

Hello, young explorers and wise wizards of tomorrow! Today, we're going on a magical journey, not through enchanted forests or over rainbow bridges, but through the world of our very own choices and actions. Yes, you heard that right! Every step we take, every decision we make, leaves behind a special kind of footprint. But wait! These aren't your usual footprints in the sand or snow. We're talking about "Ethical Footprints."

What Are Ethical Footprints?

Imagine you're a superhero, and every choice you make sends out ripples, like when you drop a pebble in a pond. These ripples can either be super-duper helpful, making the world a better place, or they can be a bit troublesome. Ethical footprints are all about making sure our ripples make the world happier, healthier, and fairer for everyone – from people to animals, and even our lovely planet Earth!

The Many Colors of Our Footprints

Our ethical footprints have many colors, each one showing a different way we can make a difference:

  • Golden Footprints for Fairness: This means choosing things made by workers who are treated kindly and fairly. Imagine if your friend shared their toys with you; that's what businesses do when they're being fair.

  • Green Footprints for Our Planet: Just like superheroes protect their home bases, we can protect our planet. This means loving our Earth by recycling, saving water, and being gentle to nature.

  • Blue Footprints for Truth and Trust: Being honest and open, just like a clear blue sky, means companies tell us the truth about what they do and how they make things.

  • Red Footprints for Love and Care: This is all about looking after everyone in our community and making sure no one is left out or forgotten.

  • Paw Print Pathways for Animal Friends: Choosing things that don't hurt animals is like walking a path with paw prints, ensuring our furry and feathered friends are safe and happy.

How to Make Your Footprints Shine

  1. Be a Detective: Look for clues that tell you something is made kindly and fairly.

  2. Recycle Rangers: Be on the lookout for ways to recycle and reuse, turning old things into treasure.

  1. Speak Up: If you think something isn't fair, talk about it. Your voice is powerful!

  2. Learn and Share: The more you know, the more you can help others understand how to leave beautiful footprints.

Together, We Make a Difference!

Every one of us is like a puzzle piece in a giant puzzle. When we choose to leave kind, fair, and beautiful footprints, we help complete the picture of a happier, healthier world. Remember, it doesn't matter how small your feet are; your footprints can make a big difference!

So, next time you're out adventuring, think about the kind of footprints you want to leave behind. Let's make sure they're colorful, kind, and just a little bit magical. Because together, we're not just passing through; we're making the world a better place, one footprint at a time.

Happy adventuring, young heroes! Keep making those ethical footprints shine bright!